Our MISSION is to spread the “GOOD NEWS”, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is Lord. We want the world to know that Jesus, who had no sin; freely died on the cross for our sins.
Our GOAL is to let the whole world know, how great God’s love is for us. HE (GOD) gave HIS only son (JESUS), so that we may have eternal life.
The VISION of “THE WORLD TOMORROW CHURCH” is that the Holy Spirit will empower us; to help every person we meet, yearn to know; love; and pursue a personal relationship with GOD our “Father”, and JESUS, HIS “Son”.
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the one and only inspired Word of God, We hold the Word of God to be the only authority in all matters, and that no doctrine can be true, if it is not found in the Word of God.
We believe in the Son, Jesus, that he is eternal in his person and nature as the Son of God, who was with God in the beginning of creation (John1:1).
We believe in the Holy Ghost, as the third person. He is of the same power and glory, and is together with the Father and Son, to be believed in; obeyed and worshipped. We believe that the Holy Ghost teaches and guides us in all truths (John 16:13; Acts 1:8).
We believe that water Baptism is a necessity, as instructed by Christ (John 3:5), we believe it to be an outward demonstration of an inner conversion, and acceptance of Christ as our Personal Savior.
We choose immersion because it more closely resembles the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior (Col. 2: 12).
We believe that we should use the formula given to us by Christ for all Baptisms, “…In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost…” (Matt. 28:19).